
Build and manage your online store, streamline sales processes, and enhance customer experience with an e-commerce solution fully integrated with Odoo for seamless operation.

Boost Custmer Experience

Customer Support Tools

Provide customer service with build-in tools for tracking customer issues, managing queries and offering live chat support.

Promotion & Discount Management

Create and manage discounts, coupons and special offers to boost sales and attract more customers to your store.

Product comparison tool

Allow website visitors to compare products based on their attributes by using the product comparison tool.

Increase Sales

Product Highlight

Highlight products to make them more visible on the category or product page. Define the size of the product image and add ribbon or badge, to display banners across the product's image like Sale, Sold Out, Out of stock or New.


Display alternative products at the bottom of a product page as an upselling technique, encouraging customers to consider a more expensive variant by presenting appealing alternatives.

Real-Time Analytics and Reports

Gain insights into your sales performance, customer behavior and more, to drive growth and optimize marketing strategies.

Get the Most out of your Business

Fully Customizable eCommerce Website

Tailor your online store's design to match your brand. Choose from a wide range of templates or create your own custom design.

Seamless Integration with Other Apps

Integrate eCommerce with other apps like CRM, Inventory and Accounting to streamline your entire business process.